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Rubio Welcomes Progress On Zika, Will Support Bill In The Senate

Jun 23, 2016 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today commented on the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of the House-Senate conference report for the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Zika Response Appropriations Act. The bill includes $1.1 billion for confronting the Zika virus.

“The toll of Zika’s rapid spread, especially in Puerto Rico and Latin America, is scary and exactly what we’re destined to see here in the mainland United States if we don’t act fast. At this point, I support getting something on Zika done. Congress has shamefully wasted too much time already, and with summer here, the price of inaction will be devastating. Although this does not fully fund the president’s request, it is at least a significant improvement from what the House passed earlier this year. Everyone, in both parties, should stop playing political games with the Zika virus and get something done. And if you’re still not alarmed by what Zika is already doing and don’t have a sense of urgency about finally getting this done, then please educate yourself because it’s coming to your state and community, if it hasn’t already.”