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Rubio: Obamacare Will Cause You IRS Problems

Jul 31, 2012 | NOTICIAS

Sen. Marco Rubio warns that millions of Americans will have “an IRS problem” due to Obamacare — unless Republicans can gain control of Congress and the White House in the November elections.

“The truth is we can’t repeal Obamacare if we don’t repeal Barack Obama, in essence,” the Florida Republican says in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.

“Unless we have a new occupant in the White House that would sign a repeal of Obamacare it’s going to be impossible to do it. And so that’s the reality of this election. When people go vote in November, among the things they’re going to be deciding is whether Obamacare is here to stay or not.

“We do have a health insurance problem in America, but this is the wrong way to solve it. What folks need to begin to understand is that millions of Americans now have an IRS problem because of this law. Every single year, on top of how complicated our taxes already are, now you’re going to have to prove to the IRS that you have health insurance — and not just any old health insurance, health insurance that they deem as appropriate and sufficient.

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