Últimas Noticias

Changes underway at troubled Eureka Gardens apartments

Nov 5, 2015 | NOTICIAS

Florida Senator Marco Rubio issued the following statement on Eureka Gardens Wednesday:
“Today Senator Rubio’s staff in Washington joined other Florida congressional offices to meet with HUD officials and discuss the ongoing problems at Eureka Garden Apartments. We learned more about the agency’s flawed inspection standards and how the complex managed to get a passing score it did not deserve back in July. Obvious issues like mold and bed bugs were not counted against the property, while violations like gas leaks and crumbling staircases were missed. HUD also reported to staff that there are no immediate plans to relocate any residents despite the alarming health and safety issues.
HUD officials defended its earlier assessment, but suspect property management may have hired a consultant prior to the inspection to point out potential inspection violations and cover them up. HUD says it is working to ensure conditions improve; meanwhile residents must endure a nearly unlivable environment.
Senator Rubio believes these health and safety concerns are of dire importance and must be handled quickly and responsibly. Failure to solve these issues within a reasonable timeframe is unacceptable. It has already been a month since these major issues were identified with very little progress.
Senator Rubio urges immediate action to fix the health and safety issues. Moreover, he believes HUD needs to review its inspection standards and report to Congress on how it will ensure no other residents at HUD properties endure a similar episode to the horrific conditions at Eureka Garden.”
Read the full story here.