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Rubio Introduces Bill to Block Russian Agricultural and Seafood Imports

May 4, 2022 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. — El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) presentó la ley Protecting American Food Producers from Russia’s Market Distortions Act. The bill would prohibit the importation of Russian agricultural products, raw materials, and food — including beef, pork, poultry, fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, cheese, and milk — until certain conditions are met. Seven years ago, Russia imposed a similar embargo on American products in response to U.S. sanctions following Russia’s 2014 invasion of the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine.
“For nearly a decade, Russia unfairly punished American producers, and it is time to level the playing field,” Rubio said. “A war criminal such as Putin should not be allowed to have an unfair advantage over American food producers.”
Specifically, the Protecting American Food Producers from Russia’s Market Distortions Act would:

  • Reciprocate any Russian embargo of any item under Chapters 1-24 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule by prohibiting:
    • The importation of such items; and
    • The use of federal funds for the purchase of such items. 
  • The prohibition on covered products would terminate when the U.S. President certifies to Congress that:
    • The Russian Government has terminated its import prohibition on American products;
    • The Russian Government and its proxies have withdrawn all military and paramilitary forces from internationally recognized Ukrainian territory; and
    • The President has received credible commitments from the Russian Government that it will no longer engage in hostile action against Ukraine. 
