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VIDEO: Rubio Discusses Middle East Policy

Feb 27, 2013 | Comunicados de Prensa

Senator Marco Rubio
Partial Transcript of Remarks at The Washington Institute on Near East Policy
February 27, 2013 

Senator Marco Rubio: “We don’t have to give them weapons. I think they have plenty of weapons, quite frankly. What the opposition really needs is access to ammunition.  That’s a step that I’m prepared to advocate for, the provision of ammunition to resistance groups within Syria that we believe we can build a long-term dialogue with.  We should want the best-organized and best-equipped and most dominant groups in the opposition to be groups that are friendly to our national interests. … We’re not talking about American troops on the ground, we’re not talking about U.S. air power, we’re not talking about sending American soldiers or even American trainers into Syria. … I think the loss of Assad is the ultimate sanction against Iran.”