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What They Are Saying: Strong Plans For Border Control

Apr 19, 2013 | Comunicados de Prensa

Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Ralph Reed: “These are the toughest border security and enforcement standards, not only in the last 50 years, but in all of American history.” (Jim Galloway, “Ralph Reed becomes Marco Rubio’s wingman on immigration,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 4/17/13)

“Ambitious goal to monitor the full breadth of the border with Mexico and stop 90 percent of illegal crossings” (Franco Ordonez, “Details of immigration bill: more focus on workers, less on families,” McClatchy, 4/16/13)

“The last major overhaul of immigration law, in 1986, granted amnesty with little enforcement. … And it explains why enforcement is the linchpin to the latest effort, announced Tuesday by a bipartisan group of eight senators. … All these elements are important, but enforcement is the key. (Editorial, “Immigration Enforcement is Key,” USA Today, 4/16/13)

“Billions of dollars would be poured into border security” (Erica Werner, “Bipartisan Bill Would Remake Immigration System,” Associated Press, 4/16/13)

“Republicans succeeded in making the path to legalization contingent upon the government meeting border security benchmarks … ” (Carrie Budoff Brown, “Democrats find much to like in immigration bill,” Politico, 4/19/13)

“[T]he enforcement proposals are indeed sweeping: First, the bill would require the federal government to meet specific security and border enforcement goals for 10 years before anyone living in the country illegally is allowed to obtain permanent legal status.” (Chris Moody, “Rubio seeks to assure GOP that immigration overhaul will create toughest enforcement laws in U.S. history,” Yahoo, 4/9/13)

Washington Post: “Senate immigration plan includes border crackdown” (David Nakamura, “Senate immigration plan includes border crackdown,” The Washington Post, 4/10/13)

Immigration advocacy groups expressed “concerns about whether border security triggers were so stringent that they would prevent people from becoming citizens”. (Kathleen Hunter and Jonathan D. Salant, “Republican Lawmakers Call Citizenship Path ’Amnesty’,” Business Week, 4/17/13)

“[T]he bill sets ambitious goals for border authorities — including continuous surveillance of 100 percent of the United States border and 90 percent effectiveness of enforcement in several high-risk sectors … ” (Julia Preston and Ashley Parker, “Broad Outlines of Senate Immigration Agreement Emerge,” The New York Times, 4/10/13)

NYPost: “That would be the real victory: an immigration system that controls its borders while recognizing that those who come to America to work are assets, not liabilities.” (Editorial, “The More The Merrier,” NYPost, 4/17/13)