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Rubio, Nelson Ask President, Attorney General for Puerto Rico Assistance in Light of Hurricane Maria

Sep 20, 2017 | Comunicados de Prensa

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) today asked President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to replicate their successful engagement in Puerto Rico during Hurricane Irma by providing necessary resources to Puerto Rico as Hurricane Maria, a category 4 storm, made landfall early this morning.

“It is important that the federal government stands ready to assist in the difficult days after Hurricane Maria passes, when hope must be available to combat despair. Because of your foresight, our family, friends, and neighbors in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will emerge from yet another major hurricane this month ready to rebuild and recover,” states the senators’ letter to the president. “However, as even the best laid plans can be overwhelmed by natural forces, we urge your administration’s continued attention to this dangerous storm so that appropriate federal resources can quickly be made available as locally unmet needs arise.”

“As the National Center for Disaster Fraud continues its important work with the U.S. attorneys’ offices and other federal, state, and local agencies related to Hurricane Irma,” states the senators’ letter to the attorney general, “We respectfully urge you to expand the scope of the task force in Puerto Rico to account for any illegal activity related to Hurricane Maria.”


El full text of the senators’ letter to the president is below:

Dear Mr. President:  

Thank you for your proactive and timely disaster declarations for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. As you certainly understand, early declarations have proven vital to ensuring that federal agencies are prepared to swiftly and effectively respond to the requests of local officials tasked with protecting our fellow citizens during and after natural disasters.

It is important that the federal government stands ready to assist in the difficult days after Hurricane Maria passes, when hope must be available to combat despair. Because of your foresight, our family, friends, and neighbors in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will emerge from yet another major hurricane this month ready to rebuild and recover. However, as even the best laid plans can be overwhelmed by natural forces, we urge your administration’s continued attention to this dangerous storm so that appropriate federal resources can quickly be made available as locally unmet needs arise.

Once again, thank you for your leadership and for your attention to the needs of Americans in Florida, Texas, and the Caribbean who have been and continue to be directly impacted by this Atlantic hurricane season.


El full text of the senators’ letter to the attorney general is below:

Dear Attorney General Sessions:

We write to thank you for the department’s leadership and swift action in forming task forces to combat illegal activity related to Hurricane Irma in each of the three federal districts of Florida, as well as in Puerto Rico.

While Florida and Puerto Rico continue to face obstacles related to Hurricane Irma relief and recovery, Puerto Rico is simultaneously facing Hurricane Maria.  Hurricane Maria made landfall early this morning as a powerful Category 4 hurricane.  Extensive damage to infrastructure on the island is certain.      

As the National Center for Disaster Fraud continues its important work with the U.S. attorneys’ offices and other federal, state, and local agencies related to Hurricane Irma, we respectfully urge you to expand the scope of the task force in Puerto Rico to account for any illegal activity related to Hurricane Maria. 

Thank you for you continued support for the people of Florida and Puerto Rico and your attention to this matter.