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Rubio: ‘No Tax In The World Will Cure Debt’

Mar 18, 2013 | NOTICIAS

Rubio: “We need to address our debt, and there’s no tax increase in the world that will solve it. The only solution is a combination of fiscal discipline with rapid economic growth.” 

With some of the strongest anti-tax rhetoric of anybody in Washington, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that there is no tax available that can solve the nation’s growing debt crisis, despite Democratic demands for a “balanced” approach of tax increases and spending cuts.

“We need to address our debt,” he told the Chamber’s elite “Committee of 100” in Orlando, Florida on Saturday. “And there’s no tax increase in the world that will solve it. The only solution is a combination of fiscal discipline with rapid economic growth,” added the likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate.

The solution, he said, is economic growth, and Rubio suggested that 4 percent growth would “pull millions out of poverty and reduce our deficits by almost $4 trillion dollars over the next decade.”

With his trademark positive outlook, Rubio told the 100 business leaders that the recession is a perfect time to push free enterprise. “Jobs aren’t created by government, they’re created by people who are willing to start a business or expand an existing one. That is the role of government, to send clear signals that Washington is serious about pro-growth policies,” he said in remarks provided by the Chamber.

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