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English/Español: Rubio, Menendez Urge Senate Leadership to Include Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Rico Act in Next Relief Package

Jun 4, 2020 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington D.C. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ)  urged Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to include their bipartisan Child Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Rico Act (S. 698) in the next stimulus package. Nearly 60 percent of children in Puerto Rico live below the federal poverty line.

“This common sense legislative solution has bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. If enacted, this bill would significantly reduce child poverty on an island plagued by recent hurricanes, earthquakes and the COVID-19 pandemic,” wrote the senators to Leaders McConnell and Schumer.

“Current law allows families in Puerto Rico to be eligible for the federal child tax credit only when they have their third child. The first two children born to American families living in Puerto Rico never qualify for the tax credit. This long-standing discrepancy is fundamentally unfair to Puerto Rican families who should have access to the same tax incentive as families who live on the mainland,” added the senators.

El texto de la carta en inglés está aquí. .

Dear Leaders McConnell and Schumer:

As you consider additional legislation to alleviate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we write to urge you to include our Child Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Rico Act (S. 698) in any such package. This common sense legislative solution has bipartisan support in both the House and Senate.  If enacted, this bill would significantly reduce child poverty on an island plagued by recent hurricanes, earthquakes and the COVID-19 pandemic and where nearly 60 percent of its children live below the federal poverty line.

Current law allows families in Puerto Rico to be eligible for the federal child tax credit only when they have their third child. The first two children born to American families living in Puerto Rico never qualify for the tax credit. This long-standing discrepancy is fundamentally unfair to Puerto Rican families who should have access to the same tax incentive as families who live on the mainland.

As you know, in 2016, the Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico report included a bipartisan recommendation that Congress provide parity in the child tax credit (CTC) for American families living on the island. We hope that Congress will heed this recommendation by enacting this critical reform. 

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to working with you on this important issue.





Washington D.C. Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Bob Menendez (D-NJ) instaron al Líder de la Mayoría del Senado, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) y al Líder de la Minoría, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) a incluir la ley bipartidista Child Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Rico Act (S. 698) o el Crédito Contributivo para Menores de Edad en Puerto Rico en el próximo estímulo fiscal para aliviar los efectos económicos de la pandemia. Casi el 60% de los niños en Puerto Rico viven por debajo del nivel de pobreza federal.

“Esta solución legislativa tiene apoyo bipartito tanto en la Cámara como en el Senado. Si se promulga, este proyecto de ley reduciría significativamente la pobreza infantil en una isla afectada por los recientes huracanes, terremotos y la pandemia COVID-19,” le escribieron los senadores a los Líderes McConnell y Schumer

“La ley actual permite que las familias en Puerto Rico sean elegibles para el crédito contributivo federal cuando tienen tres o más hijos. Los primeros dos hijos nacidos de familias puertorriqueñas no califican para el crédito fiscal mientras vivan en la isla. Esta discrepancia es fundamentalmente injusta para las familias puertorriqueñas que deberían tener acceso al mismo incentivo federal que las familias que viven en el continente,” añadieron los senadores.

El texto completo de la carta en inglés está aquí.