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On Cuban embassy, Marco Rubio restates vow to oppose ambassador

Sep 29, 2015 | NOTICIAS

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, a key voice opposing the United States’ opening to Cuba, reacted to the news that the two nations are set to establish their embassies by repeating his vow to oppose one of the next steps in the thawing process — the appointment of an ambassador to the island nation — until certain conditions are met.

Last month, Rubio wrote Secretary of State John Kerry, laying out a set of demands that would need to be met before he would support an ambassador to Cuba. As it stands now, the U.S. diplomatic presence in Havana can function without a confirmed ambassador, and some experts on Cuban issues are skeptical the Senate would confirm one, no matter Rubio’s stance.
Rubio reiterated his stance Wednesday, calling this week’s news a “prized concession to the Castro regime.”
He added: “It remains unclear what, if anything, has been achieved since the president’s December 17th announcement in terms of securing the return of U.S. fugitives being harbored in Cuba, settling outstanding legal claims to U.S. citizens for properties confiscated by the regime, and in obtaining the unequivocal right of our diplomats to travel freely throughout Cuba and meet with any dissidents, and most importantly, securing greater political freedoms for the Cuban people. I intend to oppose the confirmation of an ambassador to Cuba until these issues are addressed.”

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