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School Choice Week

Jan 31, 2013 | Blog

School Choice Week is a time for Americans to consider their priorities when it comes to education. The vast majority of Americans would like an education system that places the interests of students and their parents above all else. Sadly, our public school systems in the United States have too often placed the interests of the teachers’ unions at the top. This must end.

As an advocate for school choice, I believe we should provide tax encouragement to help parents pay to send their children to the best schools possible. I support creating both a corporate and an individual federal tax credit to qualifying, non-profit 501(c)(3) Education Scholarship Granting Organizations, so that eligible students can receive a scholarship to pay for the cost of a private education of their parents’ choosing. This will help ensure that all of America’s children get the quality education that will allow them to succeed in a 21st century global economy.