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Auditing the Fed

Jan 14, 2016 | Blog

This week, I voted to debate a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, a measure that which I have co-sponsored and that would provide long-overdue transparency to the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, this legislation was filibustered by most Senate Democrats and failed. 
I voted yesbecause I believe the Federal Reserve must be held accountable for its decisions and must be transparent in its monetary policies. Our economy is unable to reach its maximum potential in part because of poor monetary policy that is written at the whim of a few and at the expense of most. 
A robust audit of the Federal Reserve is the first step in modernizing the Federal Reserve and bring about stronger monetary policy, but it is no substitute for a comprehensive pro-growth agenda rolls back the damage President Obama has done and facilitates increased economic growth, stronger personal savings, and greater prosperity for more Americans than ever before.