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Rubio: Biden’s Weak Foreign Policy has Invited Russia to our Region

Jun 12, 2024 | Comunicados de Prensa

Amid reports of Russian naval ships and a nuclear-powered submarine stationed in Cuba, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued a statement. 

  • “What we’re seeing ninety miles from our shores is the direct result of the Biden Administration’s weakness. There must be real consequences for Russia and Cuba. Let there be no doubt that President Biden and members of this administration are downplaying this significant development because it exposes their incompetence in their approach of appeasement with the dictators in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
  • “The Biden Administration concessions to the Cuban regime have only emboldened the dictatorship to welcome Russian warships, including a nuclear capable submarine this time. This is further proof that under no circumstance should the Biden Administration remove Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list.”

Flashback… Last week, Rubio warned about the importance of the Biden Administration imposing real consequences on the Cuban regime for enabling Russia’s heightened activity in our region. 

Earlier in the year, Rubio highlighted the important role Homestead Air Reserve Base (HARB) plays in protecting our nation and our region.