Últimas Noticias

Bill’s passage could spur space business on Space Coast

Dec 4, 2015 | NOTICIAS

Congress has finally approved a bill authorizing a modern commercial space industry, and advocates are hailing it as the open door that could lead to a rush of new ventures around Kennedy Space Center.
On Monday night the House approved a final version of the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitive Act. It creates a framework for so-called “new space” companies such as Blue Origin, SpaceX and Sierra Nevada to pursue space ventures independently of NASA and the U.S. military.
The U.S. Senate approved the bill last week, and President Barack Obama is expected to sign it.
“Commercial space is the president’s most successful signature program on space,” Dale Ketcham, chief of strategic alliances for Space Florida, the state’s space agency. “He’ll sign it.”
The bill was put together with bipartisan effort, with Republican U.S. Rep. Bill Posey of Rockledge, Democratic Sens. Bill Nelson of Florida and Patty Murray of Washington, and Republican Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas doing much of the work.

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