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My Statement On The FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan

Once again the FCC is trying to wedge an expansive government into more corners of the free market, this time through unnecessary and heavy-handed regulations on the Internet. What FCC Chairman Wheeler is proposing threatens to restrict Internet growth, increase costs...

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March For Life

Every year, thousands of Americans come together to defend the defenseless and stand for human life at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. And every year, I am proud to support these efforts and the simple truth that all human life is sacred. Today, I had...

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March For Life

Every year, thousands of Americans come together to defend the defenseless and stand for human life at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. And every year, I am proud to support these efforts and the simple truth that all human life is sacred. Today, I had...

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day

As we mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we’re reminded of a man who sacrificed all to help lead us toward a more perfect union. This holiday is meant to honor that legacy not by being a day off, but by being a day on – a day of reflection and service to our...

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day

As we mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we’re reminded of a man who sacrificed all to help lead us toward a more perfect union. This holiday is meant to honor that legacy not by being a day off, but by being a day on – a day of reflection and service to our...

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Commemorating International Human Rights Day

Today we commemorate International Human Rights Day. It’s a day to be thankful for our God-given rights but also to remember that there are millions of people around the world who are denied their most basic human rights every day. This includes Saeed...

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