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ICYMI: Rubio Calls For Release Of Christian Pastor In Iran, Presses Regime On Human Rights Abuses

Today marks the one year anniversary of the imprisonment of U.S. citizen Saeed Abedini by the Iranian government. Saeed Abedini is a Christian pastor who was arrested last year while building orphanages in Iran. On January 27, 2013, he was unjustly sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of “planting house churches that are intended to undermine national security.” Pastor Abedini has spent the last year in the notorious Evin Prison receiving regular beatings which has resulted in severe internal bleeding. In August, Pastor Abedini’s appeal to reduce his sentence was declined by the Tehran Court of Appeals despite international pressure.

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ICYMI: Rubio Calls For Release Of Christian Pastor In Iran, Presses Regime On Human Rights Abuses

Today marks the one year anniversary of the imprisonment of U.S. citizen Saeed Abedini by the Iranian government. Saeed Abedini is a Christian pastor who was arrested last year while building orphanages in Iran. On January 27, 2013, he was unjustly sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of “planting house churches that are intended to undermine national security.” Pastor Abedini has spent the last year in the notorious Evin Prison receiving regular beatings which has resulted in severe internal bleeding. In August, Pastor Abedini’s appeal to reduce his sentence was declined by the Tehran Court of Appeals despite international pressure.

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