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Rubio: US National Interests At Stake In Conflict In Syria

The United States has significant national interests at stake in the conflict in Syria. First, Assad is a close ally and supporter of the Iranian regime. He has allowed Syria to be used as a staging ground and way station for terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and al Qaeda. Second, an unstable Syria threatens to become the premier operational area in the world from which jihadis can train, plan and carry out attacks against our allies in the region including Israel and even the United States.

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My Vote on Student Loans

I understand the important role federal loan programs play in helping students fund their higher education aspirations. For me, attending college would have been difficult, if not entirely impossible, without the federal assistance that I received through grants and loans. I supported today’s proposal on student loans because it would help students obtain loans to attend college as I once did, while better linking interest rates to the free market and saving American taxpayers approximately $715 million over 10 years, which would be used to pay down our national debt.

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My Vote on Student Loans

I understand the important role federal loan programs play in helping students fund their higher education aspirations. For me, attending college would have been difficult, if not entirely impossible, without the federal assistance that I received through grants and loans. I supported today’s proposal on student loans because it would help students obtain loans to attend college as I once did, while better linking interest rates to the free market and saving American taxpayers approximately $715 million over 10 years, which would be used to pay down our national debt.

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