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The Supreme Court’s Decision On Arizona’s Immigration Law

Today’s decision on Arizona’s immigration law is a reminder of Washington’s failure to fix our broken immigration system. If the federal government would do its job and address this issue, states like Arizona would not be compelled to address the violence and lawlessness stemming from the federal government’s dereliction of duty with respect to maintaining the sovereignty of our borders.

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The Supreme Court’s Decision On Arizona’s Immigration Law

Today’s decision on Arizona’s immigration law is a reminder of Washington’s failure to fix our broken immigration system. If the federal government would do its job and address this issue, states like Arizona would not be compelled to address the violence and lawlessness stemming from the federal government’s dereliction of duty with respect to maintaining the sovereignty of our borders.

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Statement on Caribbean Security

Thank you for holding this hearing to bring greater attention to the poor security situation in our nation’s Caribbean borders. I appreciate the opportunity to address the Subcommittee on this important issue. I ask that this statement be included in the record.

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Senator Rubio Comments on Farm Bill Vote

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding his vote against final passage of the Senate’s farm bill: “While I support some provisions in this legislation, its overall cost of nearly $1 trillion is more than we can...

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Statement on Caribbean Security

Thank you for holding this hearing to bring greater attention to the poor security situation in our nation’s Caribbean borders. I appreciate the opportunity to address the Subcommittee on this important issue. I ask that this statement be included in the record.

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Senator Rubio Comments on Farm Bill Vote

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding his vote against final passage of the Senate’s farm bill: “While I support some provisions in this legislation, its overall cost of nearly $1 trillion is more than we can...

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