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Co-Sponsored Legislation

Last week, Senator Rubio and sixty-five of his colleagues co-sponsored Senator John Hoeven’s resolution, S.RES.386, a resolution calling for free and fair elections in Iran.

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Co-Sponsored Legislation

Last week, Senator Rubio and sixty-five of his colleagues co-sponsored Senator John Hoeven’s resolution, S.RES.386, a resolution calling for free and fair elections in Iran.

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The U.S.-Mexico Relationship

Today, I met with Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico’s Ambassador to the United States. Mexico is not just our neighbor, but an important friend and ally in dealing with a wide range of bilateral and hemispheric issues. Today’s meeting was a good opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities we face. It was especially timely as Mexico moves closer to its next presidential election in which we look forward to seeing Mexico continuing on its democratic path.

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The U.S.-Mexico Relationship

Today, I met with Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico’s Ambassador to the United States. Mexico is not just our neighbor, but an important friend and ally in dealing with a wide range of bilateral and hemispheric issues. Today’s meeting was a good opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities we face. It was especially timely as Mexico moves closer to its next presidential election in which we look forward to seeing Mexico continuing on its democratic path.

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