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Federal tax reform: The time is now

… With government growing at a feverish pace and the tax code getting more complex, I would expect the folks in Washington to take a serious look at tax reform. Luckily, Sens. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, and Mike Lee, Utah Republican, have put forth a plan...

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Rubio: I Come Bearing… Reassurance

The stakes are high for President Barack Obama's Asia trip. As I heard firsthand on my journey to Japan, the Philippines, and South Korea in January, the United States' allies are nervous. They are closely watching events halfway around the world, in Syria, and now in...

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Rubio: Driving the American Dream

As we gather with family and friends this week to mark the Fourth of July, let us keep in mind the defining value that sets this nation apart – the founding principle that stands as our greatest cause for pride and celebration: that every American deserves an...

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Rubio the Reformer

… In a speech today, Rubio explained how his conservative proposals would make a positive difference in Americans' lives -- something a lot of Republican politicians oddly haven't even tried to do in recent years. The theme was making it easier for people to...

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