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Rubio: Hold VA to account

... As we remember the fallen this weekend, we are also reminded of our duty to their brothers and sisters in arms who continue the fight for freedom, and to the many millions of veterans who have given so selflessly in service to our nation and now wish for lives of...

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Rubio: A Pro-Family, Pro-Growth Tax Reform

Too many Americans believe the American dream is slipping away for them and their children. They see their cost of living rise while their paychecks remain stagnant. They see an economy that benefits stockbrokers but not stock clerks. They see the ladder of economic...

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Rubio, Lee: Pro-Growth, Pro-Family Tax Reform

Six years after the Great Recession officially ended, most Americans can sense that the U.S. economy is still operating below its full potential. Far too many Americans remain unemployed, underemployed or stuck in jobs with stagnant wages and narrow horizons. Many are...

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