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Rubio: Ukraine Needs a Lifeline—Now

Ukraine's future as a sovereign nation is under threat as Russia continues to behave aggressively in the region. President Obama and European leaders are considering imposing broader economic sanctions to punish Vladimir Putin for unlawfully annexing Crimea. They...

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Rubio: A Speech for All Time

I remember sitting with my grandfather in 1980, when I was just nine years old, and watching on TV as Ronald Reagan accepted the Republican nomination for President. While that was the first time I was really exposed to the Reagan Revolution, the movement’s...

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Rubio, Cotton: Why defense budget must grow

With majorities in both chambers of Congress, it is time for Republicans to begin rolling back six years of failed Obama administration policies. Our highest priority during the ongoing budget debate should be undoing the damage caused by defense sequestration and the...

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Rubio: Keep the Internet Free

Since its inception the Internet has transformed the world and flourished with minimal government intervention, and it has made education easier and more accessible, opened businesses to tens of millions of new customers, and revolutionized the spread of news and...

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Rubio: Government Is Crashing the Internet Party

The Internet is the most open and inclusive economic arena in world history. With it, a student in his or her dorm room is just as capable of creating a popular service as any billion-dollar company, a single mom designing T-shirts in her living room can access just...

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