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Rubio: A vision for reforming student loans

This month, high school seniors across the country are receiving acceptance notices from colleges and universities. They will now confront the challenges of financing their higher education plans, and the decisions they make today will determine what kind of personal...

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Rubio: 8 Steps Obama Must Take to Punish Russia

Russia’s illegal military incursion in the Crimea region in Ukraine is a grave violation of a nation’s sovereignty and cannot go unpunished. First, President Obama should speak unequivocally and call this what it is: a military invasion. The Obama...

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Rubio-Lee tax reform is what US needs

Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Mike Lee (R-UT) just unveiled a blueprint for tax reform that will grow our economy and help working middle-class families get their finances back on track. It's good news for Main Street — and for Wall Street. The Rubio-Lee...

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