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Friday’s Letters

... Bill imposes religion at workplace Feb. 2, editorial Protecting religious liberty The editorial against my bill to protect religious freedom against an unconstitutional Obama administration overreach was blatantly misleading. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act...

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Obama Burdens the Banks

There are a number of pricey regulations that have received attention of late: net neutrality, new ozone standards, countless regulations stemming from the passage of the Dodd-Frank bill. These rules typically garner a mention in the Wall Street Journal, a formal...

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Sen. Marco Rubio holds business roundtable

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Florida Senator Marco Rubio hard at work during the Congressional recess.  He stopped in Jacksonville Monday night to hold a roundtable discussion with small business leaders at the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce. Rubio told...

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U.S. Silent as Ortega Assaults Democracy

n Nicaragua, a determined and autocratic President Daniel Ortega has weakened Nicaraguan institutions to extend his grip on power. He has manipulated elections, corrupted the courts and threatened opposition members with mob violence. Together, his efforts allowed him...

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Un Fracaso en Nicaragua

En Nicaragua, el determinado y autocrático presidente Daniel Ortega ha debilitado las instituciones nicaragüenses para extender su poder. Ha manipulado las elecciones, sobornado y amenazado a la oposición con violencia. Juntos, sus esfuerzos le...

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