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English/Español: Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Halt Big Tech and Government Censorship

Jul 13, 2023 | Comunicados de Prensa

The Biden Administration has been criticized for its intrusive interactions with social media companies. Recently, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction that prevents the administration from further communicating with social media companies about content and censorship. This injunction came after former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki openly admitted that The Biden White House was “flagging problematic posts” for social media companies.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and colleagues reintroduced the PRESERVE Online Speech Act. This bill would combat censorship coordination between big tech companies and governments by requiring technology companies to disclose any U.S. or foreign government requests or recommendations regarding content moderation.

  • “If the government is working with Big Tech to censor freedom of speech, the American public deserves to know. Transparency is essential to protecting our First Amendment. That’s why I’m introducing legislation to require the government to disclose any requests or pressure it makes to tech companies to censor speech.” – Senator Rubio

Senator Rubio was joined in his efforts by Senators Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Ron Johnson (R- WI), Rick Scott (R-FL), Roger Wicker (R-MS), and JD Vance (R-OH).

  • “The American people deserve to know if their government is using big tech companies to end-run the First Amendment and censor speech. I’m pleased to co-sponsor Senator Rubio’s legislation to require transparency and ensure that the government cannot work secretly to censor Americans.” – Senator Hagerty

  • “We cannot allow Big Tech to continue to be a willing partner in the corruption of our institutions,” Sen. Johnson stated. “I’m proud to partner with these Senators to shine sunlight on online platforms’ participation in censorship of Americans’ protected speech.” – Senator Johnson

  • “The Biden administration has a track record of working hand-in-hand with big tech companies to censor conservatives and opinions they disagree with. That’s not right, and it goes against the very nature of our constitution. The government should never play a role in censoring Americans’ free speech online, and if it does, Americans deserve to know with full transparency and accountability.”  – Senator Scott

  • “The government should not be colluding with Big Tech to censor American voices online. This legislation will help preserve First Amendment freedoms and ensure Americans get the transparency they deserve.”  – Senator Wicker

Specifically, this bill would: 

  • Require internet companies to publicly disclose within seven days any government (U.S. or foreign) request to moderate content outside of a law enforcement proceeding and detail any action taken as a result.
  • Levy a daily fine of $50,000 on non-compliant firms. These funds are directed to the FCC to provide rural broadband access. 
  • Require the FCC to submit an annual report to Congress covering all government censorship requests that year and actions taken as a result.

¿Quiere más información? 


La Administración Biden ha sido criticada por sus interacciones intrusivas con empresas de redes sociales. Recientemente, un juez federal emitió un mandato judicial preliminar que impide que la administración se siga comunicando con las empresas de redes sociales sobre contenido y censura. Esta orden se produjo después que la ex secretaria de prensa de La Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, admitiera abiertamente que La Casa Blanca de Biden estaba “señalando publicaciones problemáticas” para las empresas de redes sociales.

El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) y sus colegas volvieron a presentar una legislación que combatiría la coordinación de la censura entre las grandes empresas tecnológicas y el gobierno al requerir a las empresas tecnológicas que divulguen cualquier solicitud o recomendación de un gobierno, tanto de EE.UU. como del extranjero, sobre la moderación del contenido.

  • “Si el gobierno está trabajando con grandes empresas tecnológicas para censurar la libertad de expresión, el público de EE.UU. merece saberlo. La transparencia es esencial para proteger nuestra Primera Enmienda. Es por eso que estoy presentando una legislación para exigirle al gobierno que divulgue cualquier solicitud o presión que haga a empresas tecnológicas para censurar la libertad de expresión”.– Senador Rubio

El senador Rubio fue acompañado por los senadores Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rick Scott (R-FL) y JD Vance (R-OH).