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ICYMI: Rubio Joins EWTN

Mar 12, 2024 | Comunicados de Prensa

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined the Eternal Word Television Network to discuss his memo outlining “A Winning Pro-life Strategy” and his letter to President Biden on the rising crime against Catholic churches. See below for highlights and watch the full interview on YouTube.

On pro-abortion rhetoric:

“Unfortunately, a lot of the debate around abortion talks about children as a burden, as something terrible that’s going to ruin your life. ‘You’re not going to be able to finish school, you’re going to be thrown into poverty.’ We need to address that piece of it. Children should never be viewed as some sort of a burden.

“[Democrats] are not in favor of [a ban at] 15 weeks. But if we moved it to 20, the Democrats wouldn’t support it either. If you moved it to 25, they wouldn’t support it. If you moved it to 30, they wouldn’t support it. They’re not in favor of any restrictions.”

On the rise of crimes against Catholic churches in the U.S.:

“They can’t find a single person or any of these people that were responsible for what is a pretty concerted effort to attack Catholic churches in America? We have these anti-Christian, violent extremists operating in this country, and it is not a focus of this administration or this Justice Department.”