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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Hannity

Jul 31, 2024 | Comunicados de Prensa

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Hannity to discuss Israel’s fight for survival and the failures of the Biden-Harris Administration. See below for highlights and watch the full interview on YouTube y Rumble.

On Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel:

“There are over 70,000 Israelis that are displaced, meaning they’re living in hotels. Their kids are going to start school in September in conference rooms, virtually. They can’t go back home because they live in northern Israel, and the places where they live are constantly being attacked by Hezbollah. 

“At some point, Israel is going to have to create a buffer zone in Lebanon. You saw the prime minister last week said he would prefer it be done diplomatically, but if not, they’ll have to go in and do it [militarily]. 

“Now with that attack the other day, this has been going on, back and forth. Those missiles, as you said, hit a soccer field. There were kids playing there. We had loss of life. It was terrible. Israel has to respond to that. Sadly, the only language that Iran and Hezbollah understand is the language of strength, and it’s the only deterrence that exists.

“In the case of Hamas and the ceasefire, it is not going to impede talks on ceasefire because Hamas, the only ceasefire they want is a permanent one that allows them to regroup and rearm so they can go back and do again what they did on the 7th of October last year. 

“And as far as the [the leader of Hamas] that was killed…, this is a guy who personally celebrated what happened on the 7th of October, which, let me remind everybody, was the rape and kidnapping and murder of innocent civilians, and vowed to do it again, has said repeatedly, ‘We are going to do what I did on October 7th again.’ Whoever got rid of him did the world a great favor. 

“By the way, Iran has no right to complain because as we speak, they are actively looking to carry out assassinations of former U.S. leaders, including President Trump, here inside the United States.”

On the left’s refusal to use the term “radical Islamic terrorism”:

“When you say ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ it’s actually to distinguish the radical Islamic terrorists from members of Islam who are not terrorists. 

“There’s no other way to describe [that form of terrorism]. They are motivated by a religious ideology, by the belief that everyone has to believe the way they do, and that they have not just a right, but a religious obligation, that is their interpretation of their faith, to force everyone to live under the rules that they’ve set, and that they have a right to kill anyone that doesn’t agree with them.

“That’s an appropriate description, and we’ll continue to use it. That’s the official term that’s used in the military and in the intelligence agencies. It’s a threat that we continue to face.”