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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Mornings with Maria

Mar 24, 2021 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria to discuss the crisis at the Southern border, North Korea’s recent missile test, and the need to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena. See below for highlights and watch the full interview here.

On the border crisis: 


“First of all, we are seeing the real life consequences of campaign rhetoric and first day policies of a new administration… The message was pretty clear. And that is that…it is going to be easier and more welcoming for people to come into the United States, even if they do so illegally. And that message went out loud and clear. It was perceived by people that way, and it’s driving this crisis, and it’s going to continue to get worse.


“The second lesson here is hypocrisy. The same people who demanded access to the facilities, who called it ‘children in cages,’ who were hosting vigils and protests, now… they’re sort of silent about it. I don’t see these leading figures on the left out there holding vigils and protests against the administration for doing the exact same things — in many cases, worse — than what they accused the Trump administration of. 


“So, hypocrisy and incompetence both in full display.” 


On the decision to end the Remain in Mexico policy and stop border wall construction: 


“Yeah, again, another example of hypocrisy. Many of the same people who wanted to stop building the [border] wall insisted that they put up a fence with razor wire and the National Guard to protect them here in the Capitol.


“But…here’s what’s happening with the [Trump administration’s] policies. [The Biden administration] comes into office, they decide whatever Donald Trump is for, we are going to reverse it, we’re going to be against it, without even looking at whether it makes common sense or not. And the result is almost immediate. I mean, the answer to a lot of these problems is going to be to go back to the Trump policies. But…politically, that becomes untenable for them to do. So they’re in a trap of their own making.” 


On North Korea’s recent missile test: 


“This is part of the pattern, and I think this was expected. And that is that, you know, in an early administration, doing these sort of missile tests is their messaging… It’s what North Korea’s pattern has always been. And that is, ‘We’re going to go out and take aggressive action to sort of force you to acknowledge us as a nuclear power.’ 


“So no doubt it’s a test, it’s not an unexpected one. I think you’ll see more of it in the weeks to come. It’s a very tricky and delicate situation. I thought the Trump administration… had tampered down some of the conflict there, some of the heat surrounding that issue. And obviously, I think it’s going to all spark up again with a new administration.”


On the need to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena: 


“We have things flying over military installations, over military exercises, and other places. And we don’t know what it is. It isn’t ours, it isn’t anything that’s registered to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). And, in many cases, it exhibits attributes of…the kinds of technology we haven’t seen before. At least that is what it seems like.


“I think we have to know what it is, or we have to try to know what it is. That’s my view, without any preconceived notions. Maybe there’s a logical explanation, maybe it’s something that can be explained away, maybe it’s a foreign adversary who’s made a technological leap, as you heard [John Ratcliffe], the former DNI, say. Whatever it is, we need to know the answer to it.


“The problem with this issue is every time you raise it, people get all nervous. ‘Oh, does this mean UFOs, and aliens?’ We don’t have to go that far. There are things flying over national security installations, we don’t know who they are, don’t know what it is, it isn’t ours. We need to find out.



“I can tell you it’s being taken more seriously now than it ever has been. And look, there’s a stigma associated with this, alright? When a Navy pilot would report that they saw something, they were told that [they] need to go see the flight surgeon, to check out your head, you know, make sure you’re not seeing things. So there’s a stigma associated with reporting it. Even talking to you about it now, people are going to say ‘Look what these people are focused on, when the world is falling apart.’ So there’s a stigma associated with it and that, I think, needs to go away. 


“We don’t have any preconceived notions about what this is or isn’t. We just need to know. Or we need to start trying to know. And I think the first step is to ask the question. If you don’t ask the question, you’re not going to begin to get answers.”