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ICYMI: Sen. Marco Rubio: Supreme Court needs to stay at nine justices – Dems’ court-packing plan is all wrong

Mar 20, 2019 | Comunicados de Prensa

Sen. Marco Rubio: Supreme Court needs to stay at nine justices – Dems’ court-packing plan is all wrong
By U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
March 20, 2019
Fox News
America’s institutions are far from perfect. But over the past two centuries, they have provided a framework for our nation to become the most dynamic, most vibrant, and most exceptional nation in all of human history.
At this moment though, our institutions are suffering a crisis of confidence as families fragment and communities crumble. And most Americans view every branch of government with disdain.
As we have seen, these problems do not necessarily fade from one election to the next. In fact, they may intensify. The path forward will require Americans, their political leaders, the news media and countless others to set aside the political tribalism that dominates today’s culture.
Americans need to view one another as friends, neighbors and coworkers – not Republicans or Democrats.
How does a divided nation overcome corrosive tribalism? Ultimately, we need a restoration of family and community. In the meantime, we should do no further harm. To this end, I am proposing a constitutional amendment to prevent the next political and cultural flashpoint: the packing of the Supreme Court for partisan gains.
“I want – as all Americans want – an independent judiciary as proposed by the framers of the Constitution,” President Franklin D. Roosevelt explained in a fireside chat 82 years ago. While his language was unifying, FDR’s proposal was a transparent attempt to expand the nation’s highest court so he could appoint additional justices who would not stand in the way of his ambitious political agenda.
The modern incarnation of court-packers shares FDR’s goals, though they are less unifying in their language. Proponents of a Democratic-led court-packing scheme foresee an impending “crisis” – one that they use to justify their highly partisan tactics.
Read the rest here.