Últimas Noticias

In Washington, warnings not to ease up on Venezuela

Dec 11, 2015 | NOTICIAS

WASHINGTON -The opposition’s historic victory Sunday in Venezuela could help thaw long-chilly relations between the United States and the oil-rich country. But U.S. leaders in Washington such as Sen. Marco Rubio and Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart, all Florida Republicans, caution this is not the time to ease pressure.
They cited President Nicolás Maduro’s administration, which they charged had stifled political dissent, intimidated voters and jailed opposition leaders, as a reason for a stronger approach.
“Maduro and his followers should accept the will of the Venezuelan people and accept accountability for mismanaging the economy, destroying the rule of law and violating the fundamental rights of countless Venezuelans,” Rubio said.

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