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PHOTO RELEASE: Rubio Discusses U.S.-Guatemala Relationship With Foreign Minister

Feb 27, 2013 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today met with Guatemala’s Foreign Minister, Luis Fernando Carrera Castro, to discuss the two nations’ bilateral relationship as well as issues of hemisphere-wide interest, including democracy in the region, combating criminal drug cartels, immigration and the upcoming General Assembly of the Organization of American States in June. 

“I appreciated this opportunity to meet with Foreign Minister Carrera to discuss some of the pressing issues facing the U.S., Guatemala and entire western hemisphere,” said Rubio. “Our relationships in the western hemisphere are critically important to America’s economy and our security, and the U.S. must continue nurturing them and make strengthening them a top priority of our foreign policy agenda. 

“It is in our interest to assist Guatemala’s efforts to secure their country, protect their people and help them become a thriving democratic and economically dynamic nation,” added Rubio. “Doing so will create more opportunities for the Guatemalan people at home and create new markets for American products and services that will create job opportunities for us here. I look forward to continuing our dialogue with the Guatemalan government on ways we can continue advancing our shared economic and security interests.” 

The following photograph is attributable to Rubio’s Senate office. A high-resolution version of the photograph below is available on our website, here.

2.27.2013 Guatemala's Foreign Minister