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Rubio, Bennet: RACE for Children Act Key for Cancer Treatments

Jun 5, 2017 | Comunicados de Prensa

RACE for Children Act Key for Cancer Treatments
By Senators Marco Rubio and Michael Bennet  
June 5, 2017
The News-Press | Share on: Twitter / Facebook
Every day, thousands of parents across America face a life-altering reality: learning their child has cancer.
Pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death among children, with one in every 285 kids diagnosed before the age of 20. While researchers continue to make significant advances to treat and cure cancer for adults, progress to develop safe drugs for pediatric cancer lags far behind.
We have seen firsthand the struggles families endure in their battles against this terrible disease. From the financial hardships to the emotional stress of potentially losing a child, families are left grasping for hope. In cases where minimal treatments are available, a parent’s only option is to take his or her child home and enjoy the time they have left together. These children deserve the same chances of recovery that adults battling cancer have, but sadly, this is not the case today.
New cancer treatment drugs being developed are tested on adults, but not on children. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determines that these drugs are safe for a full-grown adult, but not for a young, developing child. This leaves children with limited options, often resulting in doctors using powerful drugs approved for adults that can have severe consequences for children. ‎
We recently heard from a couple who lost their child to chemotherapy. The child ended up defeating the cancer, but was not able to survive the treatment. In these cases, chemotherapy proves fatal for children even though it was shown to be safe for adults. Parents from all over the country have told us their stories after watching their children struggle with chemotherapy and its lifelong health consequences, and they demand more treatment options.

Read the rest here.