Últimas Noticias

Rubio, Colleagues Continue Fight Against Woke Capitalism and Interstate Abortion

May 3, 2022 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Steve Daines (R-MT) sent a letter to U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson calling for the immediate termination of Citibank’s contract as the U.S. Senate’s credit card provider. The letter follows Citibank’s recent announcement that it will pay for its employees to travel out of state for abortions. This is in clear contravention of federal policy. 
“Citi’s decision to finance abortion tourism for its employees in brazen circumvention of State law shows a reckless disregard for the lives of preborn children and disdain for the will of the people of the States in which Citi acts as an employer,” the senators wrote.
Click here for a full list of signers.  
El texto de la carta en inglés está aquí.
Dear Sergeant Gibson:
We wish to express our deep concern about the U.S. Senate’s contractual relationship with Citibank, a subsidiary of Citigroup, Inc. (Citi), following Citi’s recent announcement that it would pay for its employees to travel out of state for abortions. As you know, your office furnishes Citi credit cards to the offices of every member of the U.S. Senate, the offices of Leadership and Committees, and Officers of the Senate to pay for flights, office supplies, and other goods using taxpayer funds.
On March 15, Citi sent a letter to stakeholders stating that “[i]n response to changes in
reproductive health care laws [regarding abortion] in certain states in the U.S., beginning in 2022 we provide travel benefits to facilitate access to adequate resources.” In other words, Citi is now paying for its employees to travel to obtain abortions out-of-State that are illegal in the employees’ State. Citi’s decision to finance abortion tourism for its employees, in brazen circumvention of State law, shows a reckless disregard for the lives of preborn children and disdain for the will of the people of the States in which Citi acts as an employer.
Consistent with nearly five decades of Federal policy against using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, taxpayer dollars used by the U.S. Senate should not be administered through a company that facilitates abortion on demand and promotes a woke, pro-abortion agenda.
Accordingly, we ask that you immediately terminate the U.S. Senate’s existing contracts with Citi and refrain from entering into any new contractual agreements with Citi.
We look forward to your timely response to our request.