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Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Make Federal Grant Process Easier for Small Local Governments

Sep 8, 2022 | Comunicados de Prensa

Small local governments face difficulties when applying for, and managing, federal grants in comparison to larger ones. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), James Risch (R-ID), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Rick Scott (R-FL), Susan Collins (R-ME), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) introduced the Simplifying Grants Act (S. 4799) to make it easier for local governments, with less than 50,000 people, to apply for, receive, and manage grants.
Rubio’s bill would require that agencies simplify the often complex, time consuming, and expensive grant process for all current and future federal grant opportunities. This would benefit 26 out of Florida’s 67 counties (39%) and 2,147 out of the country’s 3,143 counties (68%) as well as thousands of other cities, towns, and other governmental entities.

  • “Local governments use federal dollars to invest in infrastructure, public safety, law enforcement, and our children’s education, among other important priorities. Regretfully, our current grant process leaves small local governments and their residents behind. This bill would provide a simplified process so small local governments are able to apply for and receive the funds they need.” – Senator Rubio


  • “While larger communities can navigate a complex federal grants process, Idaho’s small, rural communities are often overlooked and left behind. It is only fair that taxpayer dollars reach even the smallest corners of our state. Simplifying grants for our local governments will level the playing field and ensure that federal taxpayer dollars come back to their own communities.” – Senator Risch


  • “Instead of forcing part-time or volunteer officials in small towns to face onerous burdens to apply for grants, this legislation simplifies the process so rural communities with smaller populations can more easily apply for funds that can help Idahoans.” – Senator Crapo


  • “Competitive federal grants provide critical support to West Virginia’s recent economic development boom, and I am proud to support legislation that will ensure that even our smallest communities can access needed resources. Many of our rural communities lack the infrastructure to submit competitive grants, putting them at a disadvantage compared to wealthy urban areas. The Simplifying Grants Act will benefit approximately 80% of our most vulnerable areas, and support the good work our fellow Mountaineers are doing to improve quality of life. West Virginia’s brightest days are ahead of us, and I remain a committed partner to our federal, state, and local entities seeking to invest in the future of our state.” – Senator Capito


  • “Smaller localities and governments often struggle to receive federal grant dollars because of a confusing application system. The Simplifying Grants Act could be a game-changer for many Mississippi communities, making it easier to apply for federal grants through a streamlined process.” – Senator Wicker


  • “While Biden’s border crisis continues to enable record amounts of lethal drugs to flood across our border, local municipalities—which fund local law enforcement—require more support to address the influx of crime and lethal narcotics we are seeing across the country. The Simplifying Grants Act will make it easier for small towns across the country to access crucial federal funding to protect their communities. I fully support this legislation and urge its quick passage through the Senate.” – Senator Scott


  • “Rural communities need federal funding to support projects that enhance the wellbeing of residents and improve the delivery of municipal services.  Too often, however, small towns are shut out of federal grants because they lack the resources to navigate onerous and byzantine agency rules. Our legislation would streamline the grant application process to help give smaller communities a level playing field to access federal investments.” – Senator Collins


  • “Congress should look for ways to cut red tape and make the government more efficient for the American people. The Simplifying Grants Act will do just that, giving valuable time and resources back to public servants in smaller towns across the country. In a state like Alabama, where nearly 60 percent of counties would benefit from the changes in this bill, that time will be well spent on projects in those communities. I’m proud to join my colleagues in this effort to make it easier for small towns in every state to access the tools they deserve.” – Senator Tuberville