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Rubio Commemorates The 54th Anniversary Of The Bay Of Pigs

Apr 17, 2015 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding the 54th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion:

“On April 17, 1961, 1,500 brave men volunteered for a mission to liberate Cuba from Fidel Castro’s grip. Over the next four days, nearly 100 members of the Brigada de Asalto 2506 (Assault Brigade 2506) lost their lives, including four American pilots and five others who were captured and executed. The majority were captured and imprisoned for many months and years in inhumane conditions.

“Fifty-four years after their sacrifice, at a time when the Obama Administration continues to turn a blind eye toward the brutality of the Cuban regime, we must remember the sacrifices of Brigade 2506, and of the thousands of dissident activists who since then have carried the torch and taken up the cause of a free Cuba. We must recommit ourselves to the universal right of every man, woman and child to be free – in Cuba and elsewhere around the world.

“Cuba has done nothing to earn the legitimacy President Obama continues to bestow on the regime. Just last week, days before President Obama was set to meet with Cuban President Raúl Castro, Cuban regime thugs beat up several Cuban dissident leaders and American citizens visiting Panama for the Summit of the Americas.

“I call on the Obama Administration to not let the sacrifices of the men who died on this day 54 years ago, and of the thousands who have taken up the cause since then, to be in vain. As normalization talks move to the next phase, President Obama should demand full respect for the Cuban people’s human rights.”