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Rubio, Graham, Colleagues Reintroduce Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act

Jul 26, 2021 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and colleagues in reintroducing the Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) Protection Act of 2021 to address the rapid increase in the number of “smash-and-grab” thefts targeted at federally licensed gun dealers.
“Anyone who steals a firearm from a federally licensed firearm seller should face serious criminal penalties,” Rubio said. “This legislation would increase federal penalties to help address the growing number of thefts targeted at federally licensed gun dealers.”
“I am proud to reintroduce this important legislation to make ‘smash-and-grabs’ more costly for criminals,” Graham said. “I believe in responsible gun ownership – not criminals stealing firearms.”
For a full list of cosponsor quotes, click here
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has reported a 43 percent increase in the number of FFL burglaries and a 15 percent decrease in the number of FFL robberies from 2019 to 2020. While the number of robberies decreased, the number of firearms taken during robberies increased by 53 percent. In 2020, 6,269 firearms were taken in nationwide FFL burglaries and robberies. 
El FFL Protection Act of 2021:

  • Increases the statutory maximum penalty for knowingly stealing any firearm in an FFL’s business inventory from 10 to 20 years.
  • Imposes a mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years for burglary from an FFL and 5 years for robbery from an FFL.
  • Criminalizes the attempted theft of a firearm from a licensed importer, manufacturer, dealer, or collector.