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Rubio Introduces Bill to Ensure Schools Report Threats to Local Law Enforcement

Mar 22, 2018 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today introduced the Asserting Basic Common-sense Coordination in School Discipline Act, or The ABCs in School Discipline Act, which will prevent federal funds from being used to establish school discipline policies that intentionally discourage schools from reporting certain dangerous student behavior to local law enforcement. By the fall of 2016, both school officials and law enforcement knew that Cruz posed a serious danger, yet nothing substantive happened to stop him.
“Following the tragedy at Parkland, it is unclear where the shooter was in the school discipline system,” said Senator Rubio. “However, we do know that by the fall of 2016, school officials and law enforcement knew Cruz was a serious danger, yet law enforcement never arrested him nor was he reported to law enforcement by the school. Given the errors in Broward’s discipline system, I have concerns that other schools may fail to report alarming student behavior to law enforcement in an attempt to reduce school-based arrests. This commonsense bill will ensure school discipline policies do not intentionally discourage schools from working with law enforcement. I urge my colleagues to quickly pass this bill, which is another step toward preventing tragedies like Parkland from happening again.”