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Rubio Secures Key Funding For Florida, Urges Democratic Colleagues To End Shutdown

Jan 24, 2019 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today highlighted his successful efforts to secure key funding provisions for Florida in the “End the Shutdown and Secure the Border Act” and urged his Democratic colleagues to choose compromise over obstruction to end the shutdown:
“My highest priority continues to be ensuring that I serve the people of Florida, and this legislation does that,” Rubio said. “Today’s vote is not only important for Florida, it’s a chance to show the American people that both parties in Washington are willing to make mutual concessions to end this shutdown. The President offered a reasonable proposal to extend DACA and TPS protections in exchange for the border security measures he supports, and I am hopeful that my Democratic colleagues will choose compromise over continued endless obstruction.”
The “End the Shutdown and Secure the Border Act” includes $12.7 billion for 2018 disasters, more than the $7.8 billion the House passed in December, and contains important funding requested by Senator Rubio to help Florida’s communities impacted by Hurricane Michael.
Funds For Hurricane Michael Recovery:

  • $400 million for Tyndall Air Force Base, in addition to access to $700 million for planning and design
  • $3 billion for the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program (WHIP) USDA Office of the Secretary (OSEC) to cover agriculture losses.
  • $35 million in Investigations and $740 million for Construction to study and build high priority flood and storm damage reduction projects in states that were affected by Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita.
    • Emergency Forest Restoration Program: $480 million is provided for the Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) for non-industrial timber restoration.
    • Emergency Watershed Protection Program: $125 million is provided for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWPP) for rural watershed recovery.
    • Rural Community Facilities: $150 million is provided for Rural Development Community Facilities grants for small rural communities impacted by natural disasters in 2018.
    • $600 million for the Economic Development Administration to provide grants to communities directly impacted by hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, and other disasters that occurred in 2018.
    • $49.5 million for disaster response economic recovery through the Dislocated Worker National Reserve, including up to $1 million for other Department of Labor disaster recovery efforts such as worker protection.
    • $45 million for Community Health Centers to support construction, equipment purchase, operational support, and other projects as necessary
    • $20 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to assess and mitigate environmental hazards associated with the covered disasters.
    • $100 million to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to increase access to mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention for those impacted by the covered disasters.
    • $80 million to repair damage at Head Start facilities and provide services for children and families attending damaged centers.
    • $1 million to HHS Inspector General for oversight of activities related to allocating response funding.
    • Education: $162 million to: (1) help restart operations at elementary and secondary schools and colleges and universities in areas damaged by natural disasters; (2) support school districts and colleges and universities outside of the affected areas receiving students displaced by a natural disaster; and (3) otherwise provide services to students affected by the disaster.
    • Coast Guard:
      • $10.5 million for the Federal Transit Administration for emergency relief program.
      • $1.6 billion for Federal-aid Highways emergency relief program.
      • Language providing Federal Aviation Administration with access to unused 2017 emergency funds for 2018 disasters.
  • $150 million for fishery disasters causing severe economic harm in coastal communities
  • $1.06 billion for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grants for 2018 disasters.
  • $3 million to repair Veterans Health Administration facilities damaged by Hurricanes
    • $46.977 million for Operations & Support.
    • $476.755 million for Procurement, Construction and Improvements.
  • Department of Transportation:

Protecting Our Students:

  • STOP School Violence Act fully funded at $100 million

Funding to Protect Florida’s Agriculture and Important Health Care Efforts

  • Matching record high funding levels for citrus disease research
  • Report language highlighting the continued need for Citrus Greening Disease Research, Citrus Health Response Program, Huanglongbing Emergency Response, Huanglongbing Multi-Agency Coordination, and the Citrus Disease Research Program
  • $2 million in directed funding for marine aquaculture seedstock development research
  • Instruction to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to continue conducting a study on the disparate and discriminatory impacts of the current Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Treatment Monitoring Fee structure on ports in Florida
  • $11.913 million for the Minor Crop Pest Management (1R-4) program
  • $1.3 billion for Agriculture Research Service funding
  • Maintaining Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative funding levels and dedicated funding for a new Floriculture crops report
  • Report language to reduce red tape keeping high quality and nutritious ingredients from being used in innovative ways in school meals
  • Report language to establish virtual clinical trials to make it easier to enroll patients
  • $20 million for the FDA’s Cancer Center of Excellence
  • Two sections of report language that are high priorities for the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy groups – patient experience in drug trials and expertise on drug review panels
  • Report language and funding to prevent the illegal importation of opioids and to establish policies to ensure those that need prescription opioids have access to them.

Funding For Criminal Justice:

  • Body Worn Camera Partnership: $22.5 million
  • Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA Testing: $6 million
  • Wrongful Conviction Review: $5 million, an increase of $2 million above FY18 enacted
  • Byrne JAG: $423.5 million, an increase of $8 million above FY18 enacted
  • Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Grants: $30 million
  • DNA Initiative (includes Debbie Smith, Kirk Bloodsworth, and Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Program grants): $130 million
  • NIJ Research Grants: $37 million with an increased Research Set Aside
  • Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program: $17 million
  • Legal Services Corp.: $415 million, an increase of $5 million above FY18 enacted
  • Regional Innovation Sharing Systems (RISS): $37 million, an increase of $1 million above FY18 enacted

Funding Florida’s Space Innovation:

  • NASA Advanced Cislunar activities $116.5 million
  • NASA Exploration ground support $592.8 million, of which $48 million is Mobile Launch Platform-2 related
  • Lunar Discovery and Exploration, funded at $218 million
  • Commercial Crew/Cargo funded at request level
  • Commercial LEO development funded at $40 million
  • Report language included for ISS research
  • NASA Flight Opportunities, $20 million
  • NSF total funding $8.075 billion

Protecting Florida’s Environment:

  • Includes report language for  the NOAA Coral Reef Program and $27.6 million, an increase of $1 million above FY18 enacted
  • Includes up to $5 million and report language for Harmful Algal Blooms
  • Includes report language for Red Snapper Exempted Fishing Permits and up to $5 million
  • Includes report language and $6 million for NOAA Permitting and Consultation efforts
  • Includes report language for NOAA Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Includes report language for South Atlantic Reef Fish Data Collection and up to $1.5 million in funding
  • NOAA Fisheries Data Collection, Surveys, & Assessments is funded at $168 million, an increase of $3 million above FY18 enacted
  • Marine Sanctuaries is funded at $55.5 million, an increase of $1 million above FY18 enacted
  • NOAA Sea Grant Program funded at $68 million, an increase of $3 million above FY18 enacted
  • NOAA Hurricane Hunters funded at $35.75 million, an increase of $1.5 million above FY18 enacted
  • Regional Councils and Fisheries Commissions funded at $40 million, an increase of $4.3 million above FY2018 enacted
  • $3.204 million for South Florida Geographic Program.

Strengthening America’s Security and Diplomacy:

  • $20 million for programs to promote democracy and human rights in Cuba
  • $17.5 million for programs to promote democracy and human rights in Venezuela amid the Maduro regime’s efforts to destroy the nation’s democratic institutions.
  • $3.3.billion for U.S. security assistance to Israel
  • $8.8 billion for global health programs, including $6 billion for HIV/AIDS assistance, $59 million for Polio eradication efforts, and $1.35 million for the Global Fund

Financial Services:

  • $11.03 billion for the IRS, $77 million allocated to implement tax reform
  • $715.3 million for the Small Business Administration. The bill fully funds business loans at $159.2 million, provides $131 million for Small Business Development Centers, and includes $12.7 million for veterans outreach programs.
  • $1.675 billion for the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • $159 million for the Treasury Department’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
  • $280 million for the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area grant program.
  • $100 million for the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Drug-Free Communities grant program.
  • Agreement directs the Treasury Department to describe how it has used its authority to provide technical assistance to Puerto Rico.
  • Adopted Senate report language concerning the Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator.
  • Adopted Senate report language on the Federal Trade Commission’s enforcement authorities concerning unfair methods of competition in prescription drug prices.
  • Adopted Senate report language on SBA disaster loan duplication of assistance.  
  • Adopted Senate report language on Small Business Investment Company geographic concentration.

Additional information on Senator Rubio’s efforts to secure funding for important Florida priorities: