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Rubio Slams Biden As White House Abandons Plan To Restrict U.S. Investments In China

Feb 28, 2023 | Comunicados de Prensa

The United States needs a firm and proactive response to the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing economic aggression and espionage against our nation. However, the Biden Administration is planning to scale back a widely reported, proposed executive order that would have placed new restrictions on American investment in critical Chinese industries. 

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement criticizing the decision. 

  • “The Biden Administration talks tough, but it never misses an opportunity to pull a punch. The Chinese Communist Party is not looking to compete with America, but to overtake us by any means necessary. President Biden needs to wake up and do what is necessary to protect Americans, our industries, and our communities.” – Senator Rubio

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