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Rubio: We Need A Conservative President Who Will Sign This Obamacare Repeal And Replace Bill Into Law

Dec 3, 2015 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding his support for ObamaCare repeal and replace legislation that passed the Senate tonight under the budget reconciliation process:

“ObamaCare is an expensive disaster that’s leaving consumers with fewer choices and higher costs, while trying to force taxpayers to bail out health insurance companies that aren’t realizing the profits they were once promised by the Obama Administration. By working with other conservatives, we’re putting an ObamaCare repeal and replace bill on President Obama’s desk that goes as far as possible in getting rid of this disastrous law, and that is why I supported it.

“I’m especially proud to support what this bill does to protect innocent unborn children, and increase funding for women’s health care by defunding Planned Parenthood and redirecting the taxpayer dollars it currently receives toward more worthy causes. Planned Parenthood has proven itself to be a morally bankrupt organization that shows little regard for the women they purport to serve and even less regard for innocent life. They do not deserve a dime of taxpayer money.

“Unfortunately, despite all this bill does to provide relief to health care consumers, protect taxpayers and defend innocent children, President Obama has pledged to veto it. Once again, President Obama’s extreme liberal views and actions remind us of why it’s so important for this country to replace him with a conservative president who will actually sign a bill into law that repeals and replaces ObamaCare.

“The notion that multi-billion dollar health insurance companies worked hand-in-hand with the Obama Administration and Senate Democrats to craft a provision that would maximize their profits at the expense of the American taxpayers is grotesque. ObamaCare’s bailout provisions are the epitome of the kind of corporate cronyism that has exploded on Capitol Hill under President Obama and at times with the aid of both parties. When the Senate returns next week to consider a massive omnibus spending bill, preventing an ObamaCare bailout of health insurers must remain a top priority.”