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Wall Street Journal’s “Washington Wire”: Sen. Rubio Won’t Support Stop-Gap Spending Bill

Apr 7, 2011 | NOTICIAS

Republican leaders have another Tea Party problem.

First-year Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a favorite among tea party activists, said Monday that he won’t back the latest short-term spending bill to keep the government running while party leaders haggle over a measure to keep agencies funded through September.

One vote won’t kill the bill, but his opposition feeds unrest among freshmen Republicans in the House, who are complaining about the prospect of a three-week fix to keep the government open after the current money runs out on Friday. This latest stop-gap bill, which comes on the heels of a two-week version, seeks to cut $6 billion from federal programs, another small step in the GOP’s goal to cut roughly $60 billion by the end of September. But this incremental approach doesn’t sit well with the new guys.

“Running our government on the fumes of borrowed spending is unacceptable, short-sighted and dangerous,” Mr. Rubio wrote in a post on the conservative website RedState. “I will no longer support short-term budget plans. While attempts at new spending reductions are commendable, we simply can no longer afford to nickel-and-dime our way out of the dangerous debt America has amassed.”

Read the full story here.