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Senator Rubio Comments On President Obama’s Startup America Initiative

Feb 3, 2012 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio issued the following statement regarding today’s announcement by President Obama of the Startup America Initiative, which includes various elements in S. 1866, The American Growth, Recovery, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship (AGREE) Act, bipartisan legislation introduced jointly with Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) in November 2011:

“I am encouraged that President Obama has endorsed major planks of the bipartisan AGREE Act that Senator Chris Coons and I have offered to extend job-creating tax relief for small businesses, ease reporting regulations for fast-growing companies, and eliminate arbitrary caps on employment-based visas. This legislation has brought together many of my colleagues in the Senate who don’t agree on much, and has received praise from many groups that advocate on behalf of job creators, including the National Federation of Independent Business, the International Franchise Association, the American Chemical Society and the National Small Business Association. 

“I hope that President Obama will not attempt to couple his support for the pro-growth measures in the AGREE Act with tax increases that will stifle economic growth and hurt job creation. If he is indeed serious about working to pursue policies that will unleash the private sector, then the White House should throw its full support behind immediately passing the bipartisan AGREE Act.”