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Senator Rubio Comments On Senate’s Failure To Rein In Spending

Mar 9, 2011 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio today commented after his vote in favor of H.R. 1, the continuing resolution to finance the government, which failed in the Senate. The House-passed measure would have made $57 billion in spending reductions for the remaining fiscal year ending on September 30, while also defunding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) enforcement of job-destroying numeric nutrient regulations for Florida.

“I supported this first step towards getting our fiscal house in order, but the truth is that America has reached a point where saving $57 billion is a mere drop in the bucket when compared to our $14 trillion debt,” said Rubio. “While reducing discretionary spending is an important goal, Washington is devoting a disproportionate amount of time to a tiny slice of the budget while ignoring the fact that continued inaction on saving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is bankrupting our country.”

In a second Continuing Resolution vote today, Rubio opposed a Democrat substitute proposal that called for just $4.7 billion in cuts for the remaining fiscal year.

“The Democrat proposal to cut just $4.7 billion for the rest of the year is dangerously inadequate, a non-starter and does not take seriously a debt crisis which is impeding job creation in our economy,” added Rubio. “This proposal would be laughable if our budget predicament weren’t so dire.”