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Senator Rubio Marks the Beginning of Yom Kippur

Sep 25, 2012 | Blog

This evening marks the beginning of one of the holiest days of the year for those of the Jewish faith. Yom Kippur is a time of deep prayer and repentance, but also of family and quiet fellowship. It is my prayer that our Jewish friends and neighbors feel God’s many blessings as they honor this sacred time of spiritual atonement and renewal.
This day serves as a reminder of a great endeavor shared by men and women of all faiths, and that is the desire to overcome our shortcomings and to better carry out our duties to God, family and country. Americans of all faiths and backgrounds can be reminded today of the values our nation holds dear – those of family and faith, as well as the freedom to celebrate both.
I also pray that the Jewish people around the world, including in the nation of Israel, are met with nothing but peace, respect and friendship as they observe this sacred holiday. G’mar Chatimah Tovah.