Últimas Noticias

Yom Kippur

Oct 3, 2014 | Blog

This Friday, as the sun sets, the Jewish community will join together to observe the holiest day of the year in the Jewish faith, Yom Kippur. As Jews around the world partake in deep prayer and repentance on this Day of Atonement, it is my prayer that their journey toward spiritual renewal be a blessed and holy one. While this day is a solemn one, we pray it brings them the reprieve of acceptance and forgiveness, and the joys of family and fellowship.

This day serves as a reminder to us all, regardless of faith or denomination, of our many shared values. It is a reminder of the universal desire to overcome our shortcomings and partake in a noble journey toward self-improvement and self-awareness. Today, may Americans everywhere call to mind the values our nation holds dear – including our commitment to family and faith, as well as the freedom to celebrate both.

On this High Holiday, we pray especially for our friends in Israel as they continue to face great challenges. May this day be met with lasting peace in the Jewish state, and let it remind us of our commitment to protect and defend our allies there.

I wish the Jewish community peace and blessings this Yom Kippur, and may this sacred day seal a promise for a year of health and happiness for all.