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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox and Friends

Feb 29, 2024 | Press Releases

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox and Friends to discuss Mitch McConnell’s retirement announcement, mass migration, and rising crime. Watch the full interview on YouTube and Rumble.

On Mitch McConnell’s retirement announcement:

“I think Mitch McConnell, whether you like him or not, is the most consequential Republican senator of the last quarter century, and maybe senator period, in terms of the work he’s done on so many different issues. I think it’ll be hard to have another Mitch McConnell in that regard, just in terms of impact, because of the way the world has changed. 

“We’ll see who’s interested [in taking his place]. We’ve got good people, and we’ve got members that are going to get elected in November…. But I think this is important for Republicans to understand: every race we win from now on, and all the support we get from now on, is coming from voters who are looking for leaders that will do some pretty simple things: secure our border, stop this mass migration, deal with the runaway government spending, start making more things in America, stop sending jobs overseas, and, when it comes to things that we deal with on a regular basis, say, ‘Before anything else, I’m going to make sure something is good for Americans.’

“Putting Americans as your number one priority above anything else doesn’t mean we disengage from the world. It just means that everything we do in the world has to be viewed through that lens. These are pretty common sense things. These are not extremist things. These are common sense. The extremists are the people who are against that. So that’s what’s feeding our party. That’s what’s feeding our growth. If we are fortunate enough to take the majority, it will be because of people who are elected campaigning on those things. 

“I think our next leaders will have to reflect that, have to respect that, and have to be people who not just believe that, but will not view it as hostility or radicalism. I think that will be an important criterion.”

On the dangers of courts trying to keep a Presidential candidate off the ballot:

“We have seen them unleash a cabal of lawyers, prosecutors, and so forth, all designed to achieve one thing, and that is to prevent Donald Trump from even being on the ballot, even having a chance to get elected. That has no precedent in American history. None. If this was happening in another country, we would be sanctioning that country right now. We would be saying, ‘This country is using their court system to interfere and prevent elections.’ In Venezuela, the leading candidate against the Maduro regime is not going to be able to be on the ballot because the Maduro regime has banned her from being on the ballot, and everyone here recognizes that as outrageous.”

On Nicolás Maduro’s manipulation of the Biden Administration:

“One of the things Venezuela did was say, ‘We’ll take some of your deportees.’ Now Maduro is basically saying, ‘We’re not going to take any more of your deportees.’ He’s extorting Biden. He’s extorting America. This guy who killed this young lady in that tragedy in Georgia, if we want to deport him back to Venezuela, we can’t, because the Venezuelans won’t take him….

“There’s this horrible gang in Venezuela, and they’ve been in Peru, Colombia, and different countries for a couple of years now. They’re starting to work their way here. The overwhelming majority of the Venezuelans who have left, and it’s over eight million now, are not criminals. But there are thousands of [criminals] that have come, and they are now running roughshod in big cities like Chicago and New York. But no place is immune. Even Georgia is now feeling it. We’re going to have a huge crime wave because some of these people are dangerous criminals from all over the world.

“It’s not because they’re migrants, it’s because they’re criminals. If you let in 6.3 million people, some percentage of them are going to be criminals, and they’re not suddenly going to become stockbrokers. They’re going to come here and commit crime. And that’s all on Joe Biden. He created this.”