

ICYMI: Rubio: Open Border Is Open Door to ISIS

Biden’s open border lets ISIS walk right into US U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) May 20, 2024 Fox News …President Joe Biden’s illegal immigration policies are giving ISIS-K clear access to the homeland, raising the threat of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.  Just look at recent press reports of ISIS-K affiliates crossing the southern border….…

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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox & Friends

ICYMI: RUBIO JOINS FOX & FRIENDS U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox & Friends to discuss the upcoming football season, the potential danger of an impeachment, the decline in male contribution to the labor force, and more. See below for highlights and...

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ICYMI: Rubio Takes Stock of American Men

This Labor Day, there’s a crisis of working and non-working men. Here are 5 things we need to do U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) September 4, 2023 Fox News This week, my office will publish a report…titled “The State of the Working (And Non-Working) Man,” [which]...

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