
Winning the 21st Century

No issue is more important to America’s future than the outcome of the ongoing conflict with the Chinese Communist Party. For decades, our nation’s corporate and political leaders assumed capitalism would change China. But that thinking was naive and dangerous.
America deindustrialized in the name of free trade, sending jobs, technology, and critical industries overseas. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party aggressively built up power by stealing technology, exploiting capitalism, and coercing companies.
Senator Rubio meeting with local residents and community leaders
Senator Rubio speaking at U.S. Senate
The result is a rising Communist China determined to replace the United States on the world stage, making Americans more dependent on and ultimately subservient to Beijing. If China succeeds, the world’s dominant power will be a brutal, authoritarian police state. The Chinese Communist Party is a racist, genocidal regime that spies, imprisons, and enslaves its own people and others.
Make no mistake, this is a conflict, on six key fronts — geopolitics, diplomacy, culture, technology, commerce, and trade. The only way to prevent it from becoming a military conflict is to strengthen America on all of those fronts.
Without action, the Chinese Communist Party will continue to rise at America’s expense. A world order dominated by such a regime is bad for America and the values of freedom, liberty, and individuals rights.
Senator Rubio meeting with local residents and community leaders

March 2023

Rubio Speaks at Heritage Foundation on New Cold War with China

March 2023

Rubio: “Capitalism Didn’t Change China—China Changed Capitalism”

January 2023

Rubio’s Plan for American Renewal

March 2022

Marco Rubio Leads G.O.P. Push for a More Combative Stance on China

February 2019

Rubio Releases Report Outlining China’s Plan for Global Dominance and Why America Must Respond

February 2019

Rubio Releases Report Outlining China’s Plan for Global Dominance and Why America Must Respond