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Rubio Amendment to Restrict CHIPS Funding Passes Unanimously

Jul 20, 2023 | Press Releases

Despite repeated warnings from America’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies on the vast threat of the Chinese Communist Party’s espionage, the CHIPS and Science Act passed Congress and became law without critical guardrails to protect American dollars, research, and development. 

Senate Democrats rejected common-sense attempts to protect American research and innovation offered by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) in 2021 and 2022. That changed on July 20, 2023 when the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations unanimously adopted a Rubio amendment to place safeguards on CHIPS-related funding included in the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2024.

  • “We need to support American production of semiconductors, but we need to do it in a way that benefits our country and our workers, not China. Adding safeguards to this CHIPS-related funding is a small step in the right direction. Now we need to apply the same protections to all CHIPS funding.”  — Senator Rubio 

The State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, which passed out of committee 27-2, appropriates $100 million for the International Technology Security and Innovation (ITSI) Fund created by the CHIPS and Science Act. The Rubio amendment, adopted unanimously on a bipartisan basis, adds guardrails to the $100 million fund to prevent taxpayer dollars from going to companies that are increasing their semiconductor manufacturing capacity in China or partnering with Chinese companies to increase their semiconductor production. 

Looking forward … Rubio will fight to ensure the landmark provision stays in the government funding bill as it moves forward and continue working with colleagues to apply these common-sense safeguards to all CHIPS-related funding.  

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