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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox and Friends

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox & Friends to discuss the Secret Service’s failure to protect President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris’s record. See below for highlights and watch the full interview on YouTube and Rumble. On the Secret...

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Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Ensuring Continuity in Veterans’ Health Act

Jul 25, 2024 | Press Releases

As the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) opens up new facilities, many veterans are losing access to the VA’s Community Care Program and, consequently, their long-term healthcare providers. Veterans throughout the country have reported a loss of care, including many Florida veterans.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and colleagues introduced the Ensuring Continuity in Veterans’ Health Act to require the VA to consider continuity of healthcare when deciding whether seeing a provider in the community is in a veteran’s best medical interest.

  • “Our veterans have sacrificed so much for this country and often have PTSD or other mental health issues as a result. Addressing mental health issues takes trust and time. The Ensuring Continuity in Veterans’ Health Act will ensure our veterans can continue receiving care from their long-term providers that they have established a trusted relationship with.” – Senator Rubio

Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), John Cornyn (R-TX), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), James Lankford (R-OK), John Thune (R-SD), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Rick Scott (R-FL) are original cosponsors.

  • “I am hearing from more and more veterans in Kansas and across the country who are finding it harder to receive the care they are entitled to from VA and who are being cut off from their community providers. This legislation would help veterans maintain care with the doctors and nurses they have come to trust by requiring VA to take continuity of care into account when evaluating veterans for community care referral. I am thankful to my colleague, Sen. Rubio, for introducing this legislation and for his support of our nation’s veterans.” – Senator Moran
  • “When a veteran is denied a Community Care authorization by the VA, it creates unnecessary hurdles for them and jeopardizes their access to consistent care. This bill would make ‘continuity of care’ a key factor in determining the best medical interests of our veterans, ensuring they receive the high-quality care they deserve.” – Senator Cornyn
  • “Our veterans have sacrificed to defend our country and deserve access to the best care possible. Over the last several years, the Biden-Harris VA has deliberately bogged down the community care referral process to stop veterans from getting the care they are eligible for by law. I am proud to join Senator Rubio’s legislation that will require the VA to add “continuity of care” to its evaluation criteria so that the VA must consider this as a factor to facilitating community care referrals.” – Senator Tuberville
  • “As the Biden administration continues to threaten veterans’ access to the Community Care Program, veterans across Tennessee consistently tell me how much they value this program because it provides them with options to receive medical care closer to home. This legislation will broaden access to community care by ensuring that our veterans receive the quality care they deserve without unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles.” – Senator Blackburn
  • “This legislation is an important step toward ensuring that the medical needs of our nation’s heroes are prioritized over bureaucratic expedience, and I’m grateful to Senator Rubio for his leadership.” – Senator Thune
  • “Our nation’s veterans have sacrificed much for our country, and yet in many cases the VA is not providing them with access to community care. We have a responsibility to cut the red tape that hinders their ability to receive quality of care and their right to choose doctors within their communities. We must ensure our veterans receive uninterrupted treatment whether inside a VA hospital or within their local communities. I’m proud to work with Sen. Rubio to tear down the barriers limiting our veterans’ access to adequate healthcare.” – Senator Cruz
  • “Our veterans are American heroes who have sacrificed so much in support and defense of our nation and its ideals, and they deserve to receive the health care that works best for them. I’ve heard from veterans in my state about how important it is for them to continue seeing their community care providers, and this bill will ensure they have the ability to do so. This is a simple change that can make a massive difference in the lives of our veterans. I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing the Ensuring Continuity in Veterans Health Act and look forward to it becoming law.” – Senator Scott

U.S. Representative Scott Franklin (R-FL) introduced companion legislation in the House.

  • “Providing excellent care at VA facilities and providing flexibility are not opposing missions. The VA should continue investing in new clinics and recruiting specialists while also protecting veterans’ access to care outside the VA. Vets have earned their benefits—including the right to decide the care that works best for them. My bill will ensure continuity of care for veterans currently receiving services outside the VA, preventing the VA from abruptly terminating their coverage. It will also provide clarity and certainty for veterans who rely on community care and are concerned they’ll lose their doctor. I thank Senator Rubio for his leadership on this issue in the Senate.” – Congressman Franklin